
2020-2021 IT Club Meeting #10: Programming with JavaScript

Topic for today’s meeting?  JavaScript programming with Blockly games.  Easy? For some it may be.  However, it does take a bit of practice and a lot of patience! Check out the site at and try out your programming skills.

Ángel and Alana shared their programming skills at level 10 of the games maze.  ~~LMMolina Club Adviser

2020-2021 IT Club Meeting #7: Video Game Designing

Our last meeting of the semester involved the basics of video game designing. Ángel Pérez introduced Scratch which is a block-based visual programming language and website targeted primarily at the 8 to 16 year-old age group to help learn code. Users of the site can create projects on the web using a block-like interface. If you want to try your coding skills with Scratch go to  It takes time to program a video game. A lot of patience is required but the end result is worth it.  Check out the  Getting Started Tutorial and happy coding!

Our next meeting will be in the new year, so “see” you in 2021! ~~LMMolina, Club Adviser



Arduino Workshop #1: The Basics

Yesterday the IT Club members who signed up for the Arduino workshops attended the first one.  Beginning at 2:45 pm in the Computer Room, Ángel Pérez, the Club president, offered the introductory workshop explaining the basics.

What is an Arduino?  It’s a micro controller circuit board that has a chip that can be programmed to do many different things. (Check out the video below).

The Club members who attended were divided into pairs.  Each pair will have an Arduino Uno to use for the creation of a project of their choice. The completed project will be exhibited at a later date in the semester for the school community.

The next workshop will be held at 3 pm next Friday, February 21st. Hope to get these guys (and girls!) interested in programming. ~~LMMolina, Club Adviser



Check out these basic projects with Arduino:

Cyberix IT Conference #2: Understanding HCJ (HTML, CSS, & JavaScript)


At our second conference (workshop), the club members did some programming. Israel J. Román and Jesús A. Gracia with the help of Cristian Álvarez introduced the basic elements of programming using HTML, CSS and JavaScript (not to be confused with Java!).


These young men are from the Computer Science Department of the Interamerican University, Bayamón Campus. Some of the club members were so engrossed in the programming task that they remained well over the usual time allotted for the club’s meetings.  That shows their keenness and desire to delve into the amazing world of computer programming. Who knows where this might lead them?

Our thanks to Israel, Jesús and Cristian for taking time out to share their knowledge on this topic. Care to find out more about programming? Check out THE WORLD’S LARGEST WEB DEVELOPER SITE/

This was the Club’s fourth meeting of the year. Till the next one! ~~LMMolina, Club Adviser

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IT Club Meeting #10: Star Wars and JavaScript

Last Thursday’s meeting (#10) was just as interesting as Meeting #9. This time we took a look at JavaScript, another popular software language used by professional developers. JavaScript is used to make web pages interactive.

We used it in to run a Star Wars game using BB-8 and went on to create a new one starring C-3PO and R2-D2.

What else did we do? Well, one of our members received a BB-8 as a birthday gift (lucky guy!) and gave us a demonstration of how it works.

It’s fun time every time at our meetings!! ~~LMM

Check out the video for basic information on JavaScript: